Saturday, November 7, 2009

-my crouton stealing sister *im joking i really love her actually :)*
-those "cup-a-soup" satchets who have like some really nice title "cream of mushroom soup" and then when you make it, it tastes fuck all like "cream of mushroom" it doesnt even taste like fucking mushrooms, let alone nice
-when one ear piece of your headphones stops working, so you only have one working side
-when i change the radio onto another station and i hear the song half way through and really like it, but i don't get the name of the song because they say the name at the beginning
-taylor lautners hair in twilight, i mean it the definition of "gross", it looks like something decided to die on his head.
-when you tell someone you don't like something and they still give it to you e.g.
I hate fish, and yet my parents still insist on making me eat it, as if 2 days later i'm suddenly going to be like YUM fish >.<
-burning your tongue when you drink tea
-when you wait to long too start drinking a cup of tea and its cold

1 comment:

  1. listening to music with a broken earphone while reading this :)
