Sunday, November 8, 2009

-pigeons that fuck in spring
-people who are full of themselves
-people who smoke and then the wind blows in your direction
-siblings (celine, said that :) )
-toe cleavage ;)
-bad breath
-forgetting your box for food tech and then the teachers get angry at you
-people who wear short skirts and theyre fat.... =scarring
-girls who have so short skirts and when they bend down....D:
-guys that have REALLY BAD BO
-guys that spray deoderant all over the place
-moobs XD
-having to find birthday presents
-the awkwardness of being the ONLY person who forgot someones birthday
-britney spears (jasmine)
-jonas brothers...
-fake people
-colour contacts, wearing them is uncomfortable
-people who wear circle lenses....they are freaky shit
-salsa on english books
-having to put all the effort into walking to the fridge and finding no food
-facebook (celine and minnie) HOW COULD THEY D:

*contributions by: minnie, jasmine and celine XD*

Saturday, November 7, 2009

-my crouton stealing sister *im joking i really love her actually :)*
-those "cup-a-soup" satchets who have like some really nice title "cream of mushroom soup" and then when you make it, it tastes fuck all like "cream of mushroom" it doesnt even taste like fucking mushrooms, let alone nice
-when one ear piece of your headphones stops working, so you only have one working side
-when i change the radio onto another station and i hear the song half way through and really like it, but i don't get the name of the song because they say the name at the beginning
-taylor lautners hair in twilight, i mean it the definition of "gross", it looks like something decided to die on his head.
-when you tell someone you don't like something and they still give it to you e.g.
I hate fish, and yet my parents still insist on making me eat it, as if 2 days later i'm suddenly going to be like YUM fish >.<
-burning your tongue when you drink tea
-when you wait to long too start drinking a cup of tea and its cold

Monday, October 19, 2009

-seeing lint on peoples back that you don't know, and how you REALLY badly want to remove it...but NO its creepy to "touch" people XP
-the fact I get bus sickness
-city rail for making me catch the bus
-people who work at subway who collect your money with the gloved hygiene practices mean nothing at these places?!?
-when the people who make burgers at mcdonalds forget to put in the pickle...THE PICKLE IS THE BEST PART!
-waking up early
-having to sit next to people on busy buses
-catching buses
-crappy graffiti.... good graffiti im fine with...just not crappy graffiti
-how my sister winks at you when your trying to be serious -_-..... i hate it cause its funny...
-having to go back to school after holidays

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

-having to pay for tea/water at some restaurants
-running for the train and missing it and then watching those patronizing people waving at you.. (i hate it yet i do it to other people XD)
-how you can see people watching you when they drive by...TINTED WINDOWS DO NOTHING PEOPLE!!
-having a long list of things to do but being to lazy to do them
-my dead twitter account
-not being able to make up your mind on something on what ice cream to get....chocolate or plain, these are very hard choices!
-getting stuff you don't want for your birthday but having to pretend like it's the best thing in the world and having to a. wear it/use it b. keep it >.<
-being the only person on the train...i think something like what happened in the movie noise is going happen
-being the only sane person on the train and that paedophile sitting opposite you winking.. D:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

-the "epiphany of regret"
-people who put on babish voices, even if their voice is naturally like that I still want to punch them :)
-people who put LOL everywhere and don't even say anything on the msn conversation with real substance
-people on msn who continue you bug you even though you haven't responded....
e.g "are you there?" IF IM NOT THERE FOR THE FIRST 100 "are you there?"s do you really think I'm going to reply to the 101st?
-people who say HI and then leave on msn. I mean I'm sorry if I haven't replied within less than 5 minutes.
-the fact that my last "hate" contradicts the one above... ^^^
-the fact that nearly all the people on city rail trains who read out the next stop have thick indian accents, except for the one time I heard the guy pronounced Canterbury as CUNT-A-BERRY :)
-telemarketers...have I put that on there before?
BUT I love telling them to hold and just walking off with the line open...cause they're paying for the call ;)
-door to door sales people
-the lady who pierced my ears, because the gun also clipped the side of my head and it started bleeding O.o, she was also not that very nice XD
-people who quote me, but in a mocking way....ALL THE TIME! >.<
-the fact this list is VERY long O.o? I'm full of so much hate :D

Friday, September 25, 2009

-caesar salad without chicken
-caesar salad with anchovies..YUCK! and sundried offence I LOVE sundried tomatoes just not in caesar salad
-when you decide to go on a diet and your "oh so supportive friends" decide to buy chocolate cake and eat it in front of you...
-when you do the 40 hour famine and your family decides to get pizza....bastards
-the ending of van disappointing...
-the fact im not a vampire! or hybrid! >:(
-ignorant adults and teachers
-getting detention for reacting to someone provoking you
-when you paint your nails and you think its dry and you touch it and it goes retarded and you HAVE to start again -_-
-when theres no food at home :(
-the fact i feel sick everytime i drink bubble tea
-how i do a scuttling motion rather than gliding motion when i ice skate...thanks to my dad for point that out XD
-losing guitar picks...especially my clear one....
-annoying bogans who have really crappy commentary when i was watching harry potter in the cinema
-feeling thirsty but being to lazy to get a drink
-needed to pee but being to lazy to go do it

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

-windy days- the ones that make you wish you didnt have hair
-attempting to eat food on windy days
-lame things in general
-how overated the word "love" is nowadays, it hardly has any meaning
-awkward silences with people you dont know
-the fact that my name cant be turned into something sexual e.g. georgia....geORGIE, get it? LOL
-naggy teachers
-teachers who break out into lectures, so much better if they broke out into song surprised i didnt think of this earlier XD
-writers block

Sunday, September 20, 2009

-rolling down bindi infested hills
-when your friend decides its "funny" to steal your phone and write a random seemingly "funny" text and send it too one of your friends....not directing that at anyone...>.<
-when you forget to bring your jacket when you go to the you know how cold the cinemas are?
-public bathrooms... *shudder*
-weirdos on trains. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS TALK TO ME!!....especially the old, drunk ones saying "when i win the lotto...i tell you"
-the munchies
-not being sure if your allowed to raide someones fridge when your over their house
-when you correct a spelling mistake on msn and it takes you a whole page to do so
-acronyms, only cause i cant remember half of them

Saturday, September 12, 2009

-accidentally stapling yourself
-hitting the side a trampoline without padding on the edges
-finding something really nice in a store and then you come back the next day to buy it and its gone
-arguing with people who are stupid
-having to listen to lame speeches
-the fact that i have an addiction to biting nails, it looks so gross
-that i dont have a hair straightner, i feel so deprived
-watching my people who can't do something that you can do really well, i can't stand it, you feel like ripping it away from them and doing it yourself
-unhelpful people who offer help
-buying an album and realising you only like one song on it, therefore you played $20 for one song FAIL
-the staff in SDS Miranda, so creepy
-the staff in General Pants Miranda, just dont like them
-having to pay 20c extra for a cheeseburger at some McDonalds
-forgetting to put sunscreen on your feet, so they end up getting burnt
-people who judge
-people who are hypocrites, im such a hypocrite by typing that XP
-cat fur.....
-feeling sick
-my fringe in the morning...ew
-that kid who plays the avatar in the new movie
-having a really good run of songs on itunes and then a really shitty one comes on
-not having anything to do
-nail polish that takes forever to dry
-not being able to get into Digital Fortress...sorry Dan Brown
-saying stupid things
-the fact I'm such a bitch
-talking to people....(this one might have to come with an indepth discussion of why)
-running out of printer ink when an assignment is due the next day and its midnight...FAIL
-pens that run out in the middle of important tests
-the feeling you get when your about to do a test
-people who cry on offence.
-the question "are you ok?", such a stupid question...even if when it is asked its rhetorical
-paying $10 to see a shit movie
-boring people
-people who wear fluro
-football, any sports except for soccer
-watching sports, yet again, soccer is the exception
-getting sunburned
-waking up
-people who wear ugly shoes with jeans.....i know im harsh XD
-losing USB cords
-overly happy people, it just makes me think "why arent i that fucking happy..wankers"
-non sharpened pencils
-people who try and convert you into believing some shit ass religion
-knowing a song, band, tv show anything!, you tell someone about it and they just say its lame and then months later theyre going on about it..-sigh- REALLY HATE THAT

PS. Kudos to Mason :) for some suggestions

Friday, September 11, 2009

-overplayed music
-my hair
-talking to people on msn
-people who give you blank looks when you talk to them
-alot of people, in general
-catching the train
-the guy i think is a paedophile down the road
-people who think failing a test is "cool", its just dumb
-that telstra advertisement. the have you called your mum one....
-the budget direct ad
-not having avatar: the last airbender on tv anymore
-not having pay tv, even though i dont watch tv
-when technology fails on me
-when the internet is being a bitch
-people who wear fake tan, or people who wear crap fake tan, you know...its all dodgy and shit
-the gay emoticons on facebook chat
-myspace, even though i have one
-bebo, even though i have one
-music from the following artists: flo rida, soulja boy and miley cyrus
-anything associated with "new" disney
-when you feel tired, but your not tired enough to sleep
-people who were the influence for the government to make the increase the amount of time before you get a license
-getting tagged in those stupid facebook "what character are you things"
-the way im so reliant on technology